Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A Sabbath Rest

In just two weeks, we'll be flying to Iowa and Missouri for an 8 week sabbatical. Scott celebrated seven years of pastoring in Coquille, OR on June 14, 2009. The Oregon-Pacific District recommends a 6-12 week sabbatical in the seventh year of ministry and the church board was gracious to grant us an 8 week leave.

When we accepted the invitation to leave the Midwest and head to the coast to pastor, we knew that leaving our families of origin would be difficult. But we believe that God called us out here to be missionaries into this wonderful and beautiful place and people. Our 8 weeks will give us the chance to rekindle our family ties, renew old friendships, and releave our hearts from the pressure of ministry back at our homes where we find great support and comfort.

This blog will be a place for us to share our spiritual journey over the next few months and we're glad that you've taken the time to find out about us.

1 comment:

  1. I'm very excited about your blog and I think the name is extremely clever! I look forward to sharing it with Sid when he gets home from the library today. This will be a great way for us to experience some of your time in Missouri & Iowa even though we won't be there in person.
