Our Thirty Gallon Aqarium and stand was covered in Christmas paper and bows. The boys woke up on Christmas morning, came into our room dejected because there were no gifts under the tree. "Are you sure," I asked. "Well there weren't any last night," Isaac responded. When we walked out to the living room together and that huge package was there along with the gifts from grandmas, grandpas, aunts, uncles, and church family, all they could say was WOW! They wanted to open the big one first - and we let them. They guessed it was a big candy cane. When they opened it and it was a pet frog - it became the "best Christmas ever" according to Isaac.
What a fun Christmas morning! It really does sound like the "best Christmas ever". Tell the kids we had the "best Christmas ever" too, especially because Aunt Deena got to be pulled on a sled by reindeer (tell Isaac that we think the elves were taking a break :).